Mart´ın Ribelotta
Curr´ıculum Vitae
Vice Almirante O’Connor 647
Bariloche (8400)
I +54 (9294) 4 640761
ð martin-ribelotta
2020–now Embedded System Developer, Freelancer, Non fixed location
Main projects:
Qt+QML application referent for consulting and low level maintainer (GPU profiling, Wayland
integration, QML resource optimization)
Development of GUI (QtWidgets) application for ZigBee gateway to MQTT
Implementation of Qt+QML custom wayland compositor for industrial panel Pc applications
Development and deploy of buildroot solution for LoRa (custom protocol) gateway
Configuration and maintenance of buildroot system for embedded panel PC
Custom VPN client port to Android
OpenSSL tunnel implementation for old communication infrastructure securitization
HTTPS implementation for embedded devices using ZephyrOS
Aerospace grade, remote firmware updater for ProASIC3 FPGA
Aerospace firmware infrastructure for communication LASER control (make/CMake based)
Aerospace grade bootloader for samv71
In memory, low-resource hungry, login system for aerospace MCU
On-fly stand alone JTAG programming system for ProASIC3 for aerospace applications
Nb-IoT device link for remote sensing
Continuous integration hardware-in-the-loop for firmware testing
2011–2019 Embedded System Developer, Emtech S.A., Bahia Blanca/Bariloche
Main projects:
Software and firmware design and bring-up for IoT remote cattle weighing station, based on Cortex
M4 CPU, using load cells, LoRa communications, MQTT to remote gateway and cloud-based
nrf52 Bluetooth firmware for medical sensor hub.
nRF9160 firmware customization for IoT communication and transparent encryption.
Custom update system for buildroot distro based on binary diff.
Custom buildroot-based distribution for chemistry control (imx8 SoM)
Start-up of Linux systems on ARM9 + FPGA board and implementation of driver for FPGA-SoC
Design of ad-hoc protocol for proprietary IOT LoRa network (SX12xx)
Design and implementation of IoT communication and control software over RTOS in CorterxM4.
RTEMS ports to custom board with Cortex-M4 (serial driver, SPI and I2c).
Hardware/Software embedded designer and application developer, EyCON S.A., Bahia
Main projects:
Hardware/Software redesign of vehicle tracking system. SIM340/SIM900
Hardware design, startup and mass-production of Bahia Blanca’s RF-id Bus machines.
(SIM340/Digi ZigBee)
Middleware design of software for data loggin software of Bahia Blanca’s RF-id Bus machines.
QtWidgets (Qt4) kiosk application for ticketing market used in Bahia Blanca’s RF-id Bus machines.
Expertice C/C++, Java, Python, VHDL, x86/ARM/RISC-V ASM
Advanced Javascript, Tcl, Awk, bash/sh, R(MATLAB), SPARC-ASM
Mid Rust, Perl, Ruby, PHP, Verilog/SystemVerilog, C#, TeX/LaTeX
Expertice Qt+QML, QtWidgets, GTK+, boost, c++stl, POSIX, linux kernel API
Advanced Wayland API, X11 API, GStreamer, v4l
EDA Tools
PCB Design KiCAD, Altium PCB, OrCAD, Eagle
IDEs Eclipse, QtCreator, Vim, Matlab, SciLabs, VisualStudio, VSCode
Operating systems
Administration and maintenance of Ubuntu, Debian, Red HAT, SuSe, Arch and derivatives,
Slackware and others
Embedded Buildroot, Yocto, Linux From Scratch, OpenWRT, QNX
Zephyr OS, FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS, rt-threads, MBED-os, ChibiOS, RTEMS, eCos, RTLinux,
RTAI, vxWorks, iTron&derived, OSEK&derived
Spanish Native
English Fluent read/write, Basic conversational
Personal Projects
Personal Projects
Personal Consultant and Design services
Techical blog
Cortex-M stand alone monitor: @github:cmx-debug
Size constraint and bandwidth friendly embedded log system: @github:elog
Executable loader for embedded devices: @github:elfloader
Cortex-M7 arduino-compatible board @github:h730duino
Cortex-M7 industrial grade CPU system: @github:h7dragonman
Cortex-M7 low cost iMX-RT board (work in progress): @github:imxrt1020-module
Embedded-IDE: @github:embedded-ide
Presentation of ”RT-Thread: An RTOS for IoT” (spanish)
Presentation of ”RISC-V on Microcontrollers” (spanish) @SASE2022
Micropython over EDU-CIAA. PyCON-AR Bahia Blanca 2016 mpy-pyconar2016@youtube
Sotfware Licences (UTN Avellaneda 2015): @github:licence-beamer-es
Embedded Linux driver development (SASE 2011-2012): @SASE2011
Academic formation
Ing. Electr´onico [Electronic Engineer], UTN FRBB, Bah´ıa Blanca, I have completed 4
over 5 years of bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering