Expert C/C++, Java, Python, VHDL/Verilog, x86/ARM/RISC-V ASM
Advance Javascript, Tcl, Awk, bash/sh, R(MATLAB), SPARC-ASM
Mid Perl, Rust, PHP, Verilog/SystemVerilog, C#, TeX/LaTeX
EDA Tools
PCB Design OrCAD, Altium PCB, KiCAD, Eagle
HDL/FPGA Xilinx ISE, Vivado, LiberoIDE/LiberoSoC, LatticeMicro Diamond, YoSYS/ArachnePNR
IDEs Eclipse, QtCreator, Vim, Matlab, SciLabs, VisualStudio, VSCode
Operating systems
Administration and maintenance of Ubuntu, Debian, Red HAT, SuSe, Slackware and others
Embedded Buildroot, Yocto, Linux From Scratch, OpenWRT, QNX
FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS, ZephyrOS, RT-Thread, RTEMS, eCos, RTLinux, RTAI, vxWorks,
ChibiOS, iTron&derived, OSEK&derived, MBED-os
Spanish Native Mother tongue
English Fluid read/write, Basic conversational Auto didact
Personal Projects
Personal Projects
{ Personal Consultant and Design services
{ Technical blog
{ Cortex-M stand alone monitor: @github:cmx-debug
{ Size constraint and bandwidth friendly embedded log system: @github:elog
{ Executable loader for embedded devices: @github:elfloader
{ Cortex-M7 arduino-compatible board @github:h730duino
{ Cortex-M7 industrial grade CPU system: @github:h7dragonman
{ Cortex-M7 low cost iMX-RT board (work in progress): @github:imxrt1020-module
{ Embedded-IDE: @github:embedded-ide
{ Cortex-A9 developer board: @github:Board-RZA1L
Dictated courses
{ Presentation of "RISC-V on Microcontrollers" (spanish) @SASE2022
Micropython over EDU-CIAA. PyCON-AR Bahia Blanca 2016 mpy-pyconar2016@youtube
{ Sotfware Licences (UTN Avellaneda 2015): @github:licence-beamer-es
{ Embedded Linux driver development (SASE 2011-2012): @SASE2011
{ Cortex-M3 Introduction (UTN FRBB 2011): @github:curso_cm3_2011
Academic formation
2004–2011 Ing. Electrónico [Electronic Engineer]
, UTN FRBB, Bahía Blanca, I have completed 4
over 5 years of bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering.